Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Story of cap and trade

This video shows the Cap and Trade schemes to counter carbon emissions are flawed and won’t work. We are all trashing the planet and we need to understand and fix the systems in place to improve our future in this world. They had an idea of putting a cap on carbon emissions meaning that it would not go past a certain point. Saying “Innovative companies will get on board building clean alternatives and getting more efficient”, save the planet and get rich! However, it is not as simple as that. This is not a solution as coporations will be getting richer but the carbon emission levels will stay the same or even increase. Giving free permits to polluters is an even worse idea resulting in polluting of the homes of others.

Instead of having the government making laws that won’t lead to a sustainable future, we can make use of the smart minds of the society to can make our own laws to a greater future. This is the “biggest crisis humanity has ever faced” Us as designer can help by thinking and inputting sustainable designs. We need something new and not what is working currently! “Time to design a solution that’ll really work!”


“No law that encourages coal use can stop climate change. Peroid”